Sunday, July 14, 2013

June 24

!ylimaF olleH
Hows it going?! Did you guys watch the leadership broadcast yesterday?! So tight! It got me so pumped for missionary work!
Well im in my new area now! Danville IL! Its way cool. Transfers was amazing! Our mission president is leaving this transfer and we are getting a new one... but thats not why. But since they are leaving we had a huge impact transfer! and there were tons of missionaries at the meeting! Anyways it was the best transfer meeting i have been to! it was so Spiritual and uplifting! I cant even describe it! Like, i wanted to cry. Everything from the testimonies of the departing missionaries to the musical numbers some missionaries wrote, It was amazing! But afterwards we got all our stuff packed up and took the three hour long drive to champaigne, then another 45min to Danville. And I didnt even get to meet my new companion till i got to champaigne! Crazy!
My companion is Elder Smith and he is way cool! we get along super well and we are going to tear it up here in Danville! The coolest thing is that the other Elders in our district live right above us! so... Pranks? Sometime soon it will happen. Its fun having them right there and they are way cool! I actually came out with one of them, and the other is fresh out of the MTC. Also our Apartment a lot nicer then my old one! There is so much room and we even have our own washer and dryer!!!! I never thought i would be so pumped to be talking about laundry! i dont have to pay $1.25 a load anymore! Im so happy!!!
This place is cool! There is corn fields everywhere! And at night the fire flies look amazing! the best way i could describe it is like the embers off a fire how they are so bright and but disappear as they drift off. One night on our way back from an appointment i looked out the car window and it was an amazing sight to see! so we pulled over and tried to get pictures but... that didnt work. so we ran out in the field and tried to get closer, but fire flies dont seem to light up when you get close to them. at least not as many. so we took pictures of us out in the field. It was way fun!
On saturday our bishop had a picnic for his company so we went and helped set up and take down... and eat... It was pretty fun. but it rained on us while we were there so no one got to use the blow ups that they had. But they did have a photo booth to use. so naturally... we used it. And it was way fun.

Guess what? I walked into another baptism... but this one counts as mine because the girl Lexy (who is 12 years old) asked me to confirm her! So crazy! But Im so excited that i get to exercise the priesthood and give her the gift of the Holy Ghost. The baptism is this Saturday and i will be confirming her on Sunday! AHHHH
Her mom is probably the next to get baptized! she wants to but the only thing stopping her is shes not married to her guy? man? Baby Daddy? whatever you want to call it. But we found out that we can marry her! so we are going to try and do that when her husband gets back. but i dont know when that is so it might be awhile.
Well thats all i have for this week the work is going good and i look forward to progressing it. Love you guys! I hope you are studying your scriptures! This Gospel really is the greatest ever! and i Know its true! i gain a stronger testimony of it everyday! Love you bunches 
~Elder Chris Jones~

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