Sunday, October 6, 2013

August 12, 2013

Smell that green grass... should be great


This week has been Great! We got transfer calls this week and guess what?! im staying! Im pretty happy because we are teaching some awesome people! But im also bummed because i wont be able to say goodbye to an Elder From my last area. Oh well im sure i will see him back in Utah in a quick 2yrs. As for those awesome people i talked about... We work out at the YMCA in the morning and and there is this lady named Sam who is always talking to the front desk before we go in. Well one day she asked about our name tags and why it says "Elder" we told her and she asked where our church was and we told her and then i was like "hey see you there on sunday?"  And she came!!! So we have been teaching her since!  And we also picked up her daughter Makayla as an investigator too! The first two times we taught her i was on exchanges with the other Elders but This last week i finally got to teach her and her daughter and it went great! We had to redo the restoration with her daughter (because we picked her up the second time we taught her) and it went so fantastic! At the end of the lesson i invited them to be baptized and Sam said she had already been baptized but then Makayla looked at her and said "Yeah, but not with the Priesthood Authority!" hahaha it made my day! Makayla said she wants to get baptized in a creek. So who knows... maybe she will. This next week we will be setting an official date with them and im so excited! I pray everything goes well.

This week we also picked up a new investigator. His name is Jay and we have tried to visit him before but he was never there. Anyways we finally meet him and he is SUPER rich! and SUPER Catholic. He retired at 37 selling used cars. He told us he went from $4 at age 18 to 4 years later having $1 million. But we had a good talk with him and invited him to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it is true, and he said he would. Also he told us he would take us golfing!! How sweet is that! So one of these days we are going to take him up on that.

Yesterday before we went to dinner. We were stopping by some people, and we stopped by Latrice house. (She is the potential we picked up as an investigator with like 5 children.) but we talked with her and she said how she was having a bad day and that she needed religion right now. We told her how religion can bless her life and especially how the Book of Mormon can bless her life and then... Committed her to baptism! Set a date with a calendar and everything! The date is set for Sept 14! she has a lot to work on but we know if she is earnest and sincere we can help her make that date.

Well my week has been good and i hope we can make this next transfer a great one. I hope everything is going well at home! I love you and miss you!

~Elder Chris Jones~

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