Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 3

Hello Family!

So everything is good with me and my companion. i felt bad about complaining about him last week so i told him that i did and... we're good friends now. Except for some reason he has a lot of energy at night and he never seems to be grogy in the morning. but thats all. :D

This week seems likes it went by way fast! i cant believe its already monday! Thank you for all the Birthday letters ive gotten so far! It was great!

This week we have been doing a lot of tracting and trying to get more lessons to teach. as well as working with the members and trying to get referals. On Wednesday we tracted into this house, and when we walked up to the door we heard a gun cock a couple times. so me and my companion looked at each other kind of nervous and kept going. Dont worry the guy was just cleaning his guns. :) so we talked to him for awhile aabout guns and hunting and stuff and then we got onto the subject of why we were there. We talked about the Book of Mormon and where it came from and stuff and how we can come closer to God, and find answers by reading this book. A couple of times this guy Jeremy (a different Jeremy) when we would be talking to each other, we would look at him and his eyes would be watery and you could just tell that the holy ghost was testifying to this guy and it was so cool! We set up a return appointment for friday but when we showed up he wasn't there... Darn. We will get a hold of him. and he will get baptized.
We tracted into this other lady, this black lady, and it was the funniest thing because she kept saying stuff like "Jesus is awesome" and "Give me that Book. This is my book" And we said a prayer with her and while i was giving it she kept agreeing with everything verbally haha so i kept hearing all this mmhhmm, yep, and uh-huh. and it was throwing me off a little. but it was way cool!

My Birthday was a pretty cool day! usual mission work, and then we celebrated at the Morellos house. (had dinner and cake) But it was such a good dinner. we used sparklers on the cake instead of candles and it ended up melting some of the cake and also a hole in their table cloth. haha 
a couple months ago they went on a trip down to central america and went on a Book of Mormon tour! Theres so much cool stuff down there! like these hiroglyphs of lehis dream! The people down there dont know what it is or means, but apparently they tell people all these stories about their ancestors. Like how these people came long ago on weird boats... Jaredites. There was a family that came and settled where two older brothers hated the two younger brothers... Laman, Lemuel, Nephi, and Sam. and theres the Glyphs everywhere and the translation of it is "And it came to pass."
Anyways sorry for the tangent, thought i would tell you about that because i think its way sick!

It stormed on my birthday... way hard! There was another tornado Sirens and everything. Not in my area though... :( but it was fun! the sky was green, the thunder was loud and the rain was thick!

Well thats about all. i love you guys and i hope you are doing great! Keep up the good work! it sounds like everything is great and i hope you are enjoying your summer!

Love, ~Elder Chris Jones~

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