Sunday, June 2, 2013

May 20, 2013

Mckays farewell was this sunday?! He is going to do awesome! 

hmm.. what to say about this week. It was pretty busy this week. Nothing to really say about it other then that. On wednesday we went tracting basically all day and got 6 return appointments. We knocked on this guys door and it turns out he is a pastor for a non-denominational christian church. So we had a pretty long discussion with him and we are going back this week to visit him. We also ran into this lutheran Elder and it was interesting. We talked to him for a bit and then i asked him what lutherans think about mormons and it turned into a discuss/argue the differences between grace? and our religion. i think its weird that No One (as in other religions) believes in the premortal existence. talking to other people about their religion really builds my testimony in ours.

On saturday we had an appointment with Jeremy. He likes to mess with us. Last time we expected a simple dinner and his entire family showed up! On saturday we thought just a simple discussion, but he knew we were coming so he invited his friend over and he showed us an anti-mormon video. It was so stupid. it was basically a He-Man cartoon trying to explain mormons. it had some truth, but most of it was just crazy dumb! We talked with his friend, who thinks he knows everything about religion, but i honestly don't think hes read the bible a bit.
Later that night we got transfer calls... Im staying in O'Fallon and Elder Gallegos is leaving. Both the sister in our ward are leaving, which makes me the only one left. Transfers aren't until wednesday but my new companion is going to be Elder Reay. I hope hes cool. Hes going to finish up my "training" but since Elder Gallegos didn't really train me. Its probably going to end up being a game of catch up. Its fine though, Elder Gallegos taught me a lot and im sad to see him go. Its definitely going to be different though. For the past like 2 weeks everytime we go to a dinner appointment or give a Member Lesson/Less Active lesson, Elder Gallegos just looks at me on the spot and says... "You got it Jones." I hate it. haha i never have prep time, so i basically have been giving the same lesson to everyone. That will probably change over this next transfer though.

I hope you all are enjoying the beautiful weather! I love you guys.
~Elder Chris Jones~

P.S. in the picture is my district, (until wednesday of course.) and my two Zone leaders Elder Eells and Elder Orme. Elder Eells is going home on wednesday and he is the elder right behind me. Elder Orme will still be my Zone Leader and he is on the far right being a strong guy.

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