Sunday, June 2, 2013

May 6, 2013

Hello Family!!!
Guess what happens on sunday?!?! Mothers day!! I cant wait!!! We're not really sure where or when we are going to be skyping, but i think the plan is 5:00pm our time. so 4:00 there. So be on then and if anything changes i will let you know. we should know by the end of the day so if i can get back to the computer, i will let you know.
So first off, let me apologize for "gloating" about tearing it up on a bike last week. I was taught humility quickly and on tuesday i got two flat tires... on the same tire. haha
So i guess i pinched the tire or something but when we came out from an appointment i had a flat tire with a gash in the side. so i ended up buying a new tire and tube. Everything was good and we headed off to visit this guy. We put our bikes down and when we came back outside, my tire was flat... again. so we had to walk it over to the bike shop and i guess i ran over an arrowhead shaped piece of glass and i had to buy another tube. So with the new tire and two new tubes i ended up spending over $50 that day. 
Speaking of biking, while biking last week, we had this funny expierience. so we were going to visit this guy and we had to make a left turn. So we got into the turn lane, and down the road in front of us comes this guy riding a blue bullet bike with no shirt on. And as soon as he sees us he stands up, lets go of the handle bars and makes prayer hands at us while he coasts by! hahaha so funny!!! it was awesome!
Had a couple exchanges this week so i lived out of a suitcase for a couple days first with the zone leaders and then with the other Elders in our district. After my last exchange we had a zone leader/district leader meeting and good news! i finally got my Ukulele! bad news... its broken. the neck pulled away from the body. so im in the process of getting that fixed. and in the mean time im just using my companions. We went to the music store like a week ago and now my companion is going to buy a banjo! its going to be way sweet! hes wanted to learn how to play one forever and he found one there pretty cheap so now is his chance.
Let me tell you a little bit about our investigators. Jeremy, is this guy who fell away from the church but his dad is like a bishop or something in colorado. so he has had missionaries over a lot in the past, and our bishop actually married him and his wife. The other day we had a lesson with him and it was probably the most spiritual lesson i've had on my mission so far! Hes going to get baptized.
Rob is this guy who works night shifts at target and has basically been drunk for 49 years. when we visited him he finished off a beer, started another one, and when we left he said he was going to the bar to drink some more. He had a car accident back in the day and it left him with a brain injury so even when hes not drunk, he still sounds drunk when he talks. but he said his liver is shot and he wants to change. So what better way then the gospel of Jesus Christ? Hes going to get baptized.
I dont know. we have a couple of investigators but only like 3 of them are progressing really well right now.
One thing i've learned while i have been out here, is understanding brings love. I have gained a better understanding of the scriptures, and i love them. i have gained a better understanding of my companion and we have become great friends.
The more you understand something the more you care about it and the more love you can have for it or them.
Well i love you guys i hope everything is going well! i cant wait for sunday! and ill let you know the details later!
Love, ~Elder Chris Jones~

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